Monday, April 26, 2010

Help, I have a big pimple that's come to a head...?

under my nose, and I have somewhere important to go in a few hours. I%26#039;m not used to getting zits because my skin is pretty dry (this is a PMS/stress thing). It%26#039;s about to burst. Should I pop it, or try to cover it up with concealer? Is there a way to pop it so it dries up quickly and doesn%26#039;t look worse??|||Pop it and then put rubbing alcohol on it. It should be find by the time you need to leave.|||Pop that baby now! Seriously, concealer wont do a damn thing if its all raised and swollen wih pus. if you pop it now, then apply toothpaste to it instantly, itll dry out in just a few hours. The dryer it is, the better concealer will conceal the red mark hatll be left. When you pop. try and get every last bit of pus out. especialy if it has a little hard core, or else it%26#039;ll all be for nothing. Try not to tear the skin or cause blood, cause that will just make the redness worse, and keep everything as clean as you can. I alays find looking at a disgusting, yellow/white swollen head sticking out of a persons skin a lot more offputting than a simple red mark, a mark can be explained away as something else. The pimple is just gross, period.|||If you pop it, it will be harder to conceal with cover-up, and take longer to go away.|||no pop i had a pimple here are a few ways to get rid of it fast tooth paste it works!!! leave it on for fifteen mins and it will go down

put ice on it for at least 25 mins it will reduce redniss and lower it down|||Carefully, with a pin or needle cleaned with alcohol, prick the pimple. Then, gently apply a small amount of pressure to drain it. Apply a minty toothpaste (not gel or polish) to the pimple and allow it to stay there for about 30 minutes. Gently wipe away the dry paste with a cool, damp washrag. If you wear makeup, you can then apply your makeup (concealer first) after the area is air dry.|||Do not touch or pop the pimple. It will only make the pimple more obvious and risk infection and scarring. Instead, take up the following routine, twice a day, until it disappears.

Wash your hands thoroughly before you begin to touch your face.

Wash your face gently but thoroughly with a mild, medicated soap and warm water.

The water shouldn%26#039;t feel hot, and lukewarm is a little too cool.

Do not use a washcloth, as the scrubbing action could pick up and distribute bacteria to other parts of your face. It is best to use your hands.

Wash for about 30 seconds.

Pat your skin dry with a towel.

Apply a benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid topical cream on the pimple. If the spot is under the surface of the skin and hurts to the touch, use benzoyl peroxide. Salicylic Acid should work well for all other acne spots.

After topical treatment is dry, apply a basic face moisturizer (preferably allergy-tested, fragrance free, and oil free). Without moisturizing, the skin around the pimple can dry and irritate your skin, possibly making the pimple more inflamed and noticeable.

Cover the pimple with medicated concealer (optional).

Learn how to prevent acne in the first place, so that you stop that next monster pimple before it even starts.|||Pop the sucker, then put neosporen on it.|||Oh God pop it and fast otherwise its gonna hurt you so much. Dry it out with a tiny tiny bit of toothpaste for the day then whack on loads of concealer and you%26#039;ll be gorgeous!

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