Monday, April 26, 2010

I do not have dry skin but i do get this weird pimple on my left chek that seems to never go away,i think i ha

ve a U zone, but not sure. I am tired of breaking out! Help! I want to know your best skin care system tha tyou use. I am using skinceuticals now but once its gone i want to switch|||you may have a patiki eye, a small red growth where your blood vessels burst and create a small red bump that never goes way. ask your dermatologist for suggestions, and use foundation and some cover up on it. use proactive control and Clearasil wipes in the morning and at night. wear some acne control Clinique cover stick cover up ( about $19.00 ) on areas where you have breakouts. keep using these products- celebrities like Jessica Simpson use proactive! it really works, but don%26#039;t dry out your skin and wash it everyday too.|||proactiv proactiv proactiv

its the best stuff u will ever buy in your life!!!

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