Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I have a little pimple on my lower left breast?

it is a tiny red dot and now its pink cuz i busted it. what can i put on it. should i be worried it is there two weeks. it has not gotten bigger and doesn%26#039;t itch. just a pink dot. maybe 1cm|||I occasionally get tiny ones in the middle of my breasts. I think it%26#039;s caused from sweat particles building up here.

It does take awhile to heal because the skin is not as tough and vigorous as say your arm or back or even your face as this area of us doesn%26#039;t see much sun.

As annoying as it is to have a dot here it will eventually go away on it%26#039;s own it just takes time.|||I think its pretty ornamental. I can imagine how sexy your breast would be looking with a pimple on it. Don%26#039;t worry about it, let it go. You must be looking beautiful because only beautiful girls have such things on their breasts.........Your boyfriend must be very very lucky.

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