Monday, April 26, 2010

Pimple a couple of days before graduation pics!?

okay i hadd this hugeeee pimple next to my nosee and i popped it. yes i did i poped i. i know i did i mistake but i kept playinq with it and now its a scabbb how do i get it gonee i can imagine the picc nowww and greart big scabb pleasee helpp!|||The best advice to maintain a good complexion is to address the problem of acne before it begins to exist. You can begin by following a regular skin cleansing regimen to rid your pores of unwanted particles and dirt. The easier it is for your skin to breathe, the fewer problems will occur. It requires some discipline and patience to maintain a skin regimen, but you will be thankful in the long run.

However, if you have an already existing skin condition, there are many things that can be done to help this ongoing problem.

It is advised not to attempt to extract the sedum yourself. This could lead to further infection and scarring. Another piece of good advice, is to avoid touching your face often, especially if you already have pimples. Increased friction on the pimple will cause it to close up further, making extraction a lot more difficult.

Purchase oil-free and antibacterial cleansers made especially to combat pimple outbreaks. Be careful not to over scrub, however. Your skin needs a certain amount of oil to remain healthy. Over scrubbing or over cleaning your skin may cause your skin to become too dry, which then may aggravate skin and will result in another set of outbreaks. Cleanse deeply, but moderately. In fact, some skin experts even recommend that you wash only with water and mild soap, such as baby soap. It is also advised not to switch cleansing products too often. This may also cause allergies and other skin problems.

If you feel you are able to treat your own outbreaks by extracting pimples, be sure to do so under extremely sanitary conditions. Only attempt to extract blackheads or whiteheads. If red pustules are manipulated, they may result in the spread of acne when then results in scarring of the skin. Use sterile materials and be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before and after extraction. In severe conditions, an injection is available from dermatologists or aestheticians called kenalog. This is a steroid that can aide in clearing the breakout in six to twenty hours.

If your pimple outbreaks recur often, it may be best to consult a doctor for treatment|||ok put on neutrogena sensitive skin lotion or combination skin lotion. if that doesn%26#039;t work, just put on some concealer.

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