Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I have a huge pimple on my forehead and its really red what can i do to reduce sweeling or get ride of it?

Toothpaste. Just a little dab right on the zit. It%26#039;ll take the red out, and dry it out. Also, Visine takes the red out - not only for eyes!|||pop it|||if your OK to take Tylenol or ibuprofen that takes the redness and swelling away enough to cover it. When your at home keep it clean from makeup. it will go away.|||cover it|||ummm put a moist towel over it and if u wanna go out just put on some cover up or pop it or don%26#039;t mess with it cuz ur hands have oils that make it even worse|||Dont try to pop it out. It will make others area vulnerable. Try to use sone good face washes. It will help u in future also.|||Don%26#039;t pop it - it will push the gunk further down into your pore. Take a regular aspirin and crush it up, and then mix with a few drops of water to make a paste. Dab it on the zit, and cover with a band-aid overnight. It should be nearly gone by morning.|||It depends on the nature of the pimple. You may like to use acne cream (from herbs and no chemicals) from www.srihealth.com. Pop the pimple and clean it with antiseptic agent like alcohol and fill it with cream. You may be surprise that the pimple hole made by popping the pimple may be filled by over night application. Then you can still keep applying it till there is no sign of scar or it is less visible. If you do not pop it up, still you can use it but it may take 3 or more days or so depending on the pimple size.|||Put a warm washcloth with water on it.|||try putting a white toothpaste on it like colgate..it will reduce the redness =) good luck i hope everything works out!|||if its deep, then leave it and keep it clean. if its close to the surface (you can see the yellow gunk) then pop it making sure that the yellow stuff doesnt touch any other part of your skin. then keep it clean and dont scratch.|||cortisone cream with decrease the inflammation. i always use that and it works!|||warm moist compresses to draw it to the suface|||Wipe with a cotton swab that has alcohol on it. Or put some toothpaste on it. Alcohol works well!|||fresh lemon juice!

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