Monday, December 14, 2009

I have dry (facial) skin, but I also get the occasional (monthly, if you know what I mean) pimple, what is...?

a good skin regimen for me?|||The more you mess with your skin, the more you%26#039;ll over stimulate it producing more sebum resulting in more blocked pores and spots.

It takes 28days for a product to show its true results because it takes 28days for the cells being treated at the bottom to surface at the top.

So pick one product you like and stick with it for a month before changing and keep your skin routing simple, only twice a day.

Use a face was suitable for all skin types, this will adapt to your changing skin then moisturise with a rich moisturiser. Also it s very important to exfoliate once a week, so get rid of the rough dry skin on your face.

The monthly pimple is unavoidable as it%26#039;s caused by hormones but what you can do is put an anti bacterial cream on any spots you might get, then leave it! Avoid touching your skin as much as possible.

(Also It%26#039;s said in facial mapping that what ever side of your chin you get a pimple on during your period, that%26#039;s the side you%26#039;ve ovulated from) :-))|||moisturize every minute.|||Hormones. Yes a skin regiment would be helpful. Obagi is good but expensive.|||I have the same issue! I use Olay face moisturizer. I havent been able to figure out how to avoid the monthly pimple tho...|||Dry skin has no permanent cure but the skin can be softened and made smoother by using a few home remedies. There are many helpful tips to cure dry skin at More solutions for pimples at

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