Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to get rid of a cyst like pimple?

ok soo i hardly ever break out and i have this hugee under the skin pimple...i soak it with hot water, ive been putting tea tree oil on it and also benzol peroxide...i have a party saturday (today is monday) will it go away by then...and do you know any other faster alternatives??? help|||First of all, do NOT follow nichi%26#039;s instructions! This method will leave you with bad scarring which would be counter productive. Instead, I suggest putting toothpaste on it... I know it sounds strange but the toothpaste actually dries it out. |||Ech. Sounds like you%26#039;re gonna have to pop it. Here are some detailed instructions I gave someone in another answer. The only reason I%26#039;m copy and pasting these instructions is because they are pretty detailed and I don%26#039;t want to re-write them.

Since it%26#039;s on your back, ask a close friend for help. Particularly a friend who likes to pop pimples and sores. Maybe your mom likes this, and she can help out. I know my mom is a pimple popping fiend, like myself. Anyway, make sure you have some q-tips, hydrogen peroxide, and some Neosporin. Make sure you or whoever is doing the popping has clean hands, as not to infect it!

Alright, so squeeze the cyst like you would any old zit. If it%26#039;s not being cooperative or is particularly tough, you might need to cut it open. Again, sounds scarier than it is. Take a small needle (STERILIZED! If you can%26#039;t get prepackaged needles, boil or burn a safety pin or sewing needle!) or razorblade (loose razorblade, not one from your safety razor. And again, make sure it%26#039;s sterile!) and puncture the cyst. This should make an opening for the pus to exit the cyst. After you puncture the cyst, squeeze ALL the pus out. Yes, it will hurt. But it won%26#039;t hurt near as much as you think. It%26#039;s essentially just a very big pimple.

Alright, once you have squeezed until nothing but blood comes out, get a q-tip and apply some hydrogen peroxide. Keep applying it until it doesn%26#039;t foam anymore. Once it%26#039;s stopped foaming up, you%26#039;re clean, and you can wipe the peroxide off and put the neosporin on.

Make sure you clean it daily and check the progress. If it starts to get infected or especially painful, you need to see a doctor promptly. In fact, you should try to see a doctor first. But this is an option if you have no insurance, are too embarrassed, or otherwise cannot get to the doctor. It should go down within the next few days. Remember to wash your back thoroughly. They make sponges and bath-poofs (that%26#039;s what I call them. I%26#039;m not sure what they are really called. I%26#039;m referring to the mesh things you use in the shower.) with long handles so you can reach your whole back.

Alright, that about covers it. Now, I did this to a friend%26#039;s cyst-pimple thing and it healed up within the week. If you do it now, it%26#039;ll be healed probably by Saturday.

Good luck.

EDIT: Yeah, it might scar. I forget that other people care about that. It%26#039;s not gonna leave a huge disfiguring scar. If you are really self-conscious about scars, though, don%26#039;t do it. I guess toothpaste might work. I just can%26#039;t resist popping stuff, particularly huge things.

And I%26#039;ve never cared about scars, cause I have a zillion.

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